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Friday 30 April 2010

Metsu-Shoryuken! Super Street Fighter IV is here!

Another year, another Street Fighter game.
Which is a good thing in my book as it's clearly the best game ever.

So was it worth wait?
Hell yes!
I (realistically) do not have much free time for gaming these days but one thing is certain: I will always make time for Street Fighter.

On first impressions newcomer Juri is sick, Gouken is still the grand master, Dudley is a damn impressive all-round fighter and Ryu's new "Metsu-Shoryuken" ultra is simply THE best move in any game. EVER.

Having thrown hadokens for the past 18 years, I'm still not bored of it.
And never will be.

Oh and they've got rid of that crappy theme tune cheese-fest from SF4.

In simple terms: SF4 MINUS crappy song PLUS all the new stuff = PERFECTION (straight 10/10)

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